So we started our registry last week we starting it out with Target.. It was kinda fun expect once we started I wasn’t sure what to scan for and not to, so we kinda just went up and down every aisle and looked at EVERYTHING and just started scanning.. We were there for about 2-3 hours, but once we got the hang of it we were having fun.. This Picture is at Target
The other day we went to Kohls (cuz we didn’t have time when we registered for Target) and registered started out ok, but then scanned a few things then the battery died had to bring it to the service desk 3 times until we used up their batteries and told us to come back or do it online, so with that said we went home and did it online.. It’s so much harder to do it online I think I’d rather be in the store scanning you can see what you are getting and just more fun.. So we did what we could online, then yesterday we went back hoping for a scanner that actually worked, so we could finish and sure enough our scanner worked and we got it ALL finished.. It was a relief that it worked and didn’t have to go back and forth to the service desk.. Ha..
Our third and last one we registered at was Pampered Chef.. I went online with my Mom last night and we went through and she told me what she liked and what I should add..