Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Baby apointment at almost 24 weeks
Well... We had our latest Dr. Appointment last night it wasn't as surprising as the last one.. Lol.. Things are going really well.. Dr. talked about our ultrasound she said I could tell you didn't want twins I said well no, but if it happened i'd be ok with it either way it would've been a shcok.. She said that Baby looks good and healthy... I told her we were unable to figure out the sex of the baby and she asked me if I was sad and I said yeah, but trying to be ok with it.. She said she wished she could get us back in for a antother one and we'll have to think of a reason to get back in and we joked that I was having pains and needed to get another one done and she kinda just laughed.. Our clinc doesn't have an ultrasound machine and she said they were gonna get one, but not real soon.. We heard the baby's heart beat again took her a little while to get it cuz she said it sounded like baby was doing somersaults once she got it, it was at 145 this time and she said that I'm measuing well.. I asked her about the Birthing classes cuz the one we were told about when we did our health histroy was for like the week before the baby is due, and I told that wouldn't work and so we are just waiting to hear back about when we can take our class and sign up for it.. We are almost in week 24 it's crazy it's going by so quickly and I can only imagine how much more quickly it will go once Christmas and New Years is all over.. We are planning a trip back to Wisconsin after Christmas and we wanted to make sure with being futher along that it was ok with the Dr. that we could go and if we needed to drive or fly and she said yes it would be ok just make sure to stretch out your legs and take a break every couple of hours to avoid blood clots.. So Dr. says it's ok we are coming back to Wisconsin for a little over a week.. She wanted me to get my glucose testing done before we left so I go in on the 26th in the morning to do that.. The last few weeks we've ( well I have) been noticing the movement of the baby a little usually in the morning, before I go to bed and a litle in the afternoon, but noticed it more when i'm just relaxing and not while i'm working or anything like that.. It's been realy neat to be able to feel it.. There was this one time in the morning Gil put his semi cold hand on my belly to feel it and left it there for a few mintues and all of a sudden I felt like this punch or something and I was like did you feel that and he goes that wasn't you and I said no that was the baby and it hurt.. I told him I think the baby punctured something inside me and it hurt for most of the day it was weird like baby didn't like Daddy's cold hand.. Lol.. since then he has been able to feel it a little here and there which is neat for both of us.. I told him once I wished he was able to feel it for a little while like I can just so he can see how it feels cuz I was trying to explain it to him that just doens't do justice. Ha.. I am so glad that God has giving us this oppertuinty to go through this together.. We are still working together to try to get names figured out I think we agree more on a girls name then boys.. so it better be a girl.. Lol.. I have been told with the way i'm carrying the baby it's a boy cuz my hips are gone or something.. Gils friend from work gave us a few books and one of them is like 50 different things to try to see if it's a boy or girl I told Gil we should try it and see what it tells us.. Lol.. Still no cravings really, nauseous and headaches here and there.. Still haven't really gotton sick.. I got sick for like a day and that was about it... I've had heartburn a few times.. I was told that having heartburn means that baby will have lots of hair so we'll see... Lol.. Nothing to much is changing other then being able to feel baby move a little.. Almost forgot that i'm starting to not fit into my clothes, when we got my Thanksgiving outfit I bought some black pants to wear for work and now I need to go buy some jeans cuz yesterday I put a pair of jeans on and they were soooo tight and poor baby getting squashed all day yesterday.. I texted my Mom and told her that I'm getting to big to fit in my clothes she said well that's a good thing I said yeah it's just sad.. Lol..
I was tyring to upload some of our Christmas pictures, but it wasn't letting me do it.. Oh well i'm sure you've seen them on facebook.. Lol.. We ordered some Christmas cards, but they haven't come in yet, once we do I will post a picture of it since we are unable to send one out to everyone at least you'll be able to see what it looks like..
Thanks again for reading hope this finds everyone well and everyone has a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year..
Monday, November 19, 2012
Baby Update!!!
I know I said before I was gonna try to post each week about how things are going, but nothing has really changed until our appointment we had today November 19th was our second Dr. Appointment which went pretty good.. Things just keep changing for the good..We came into this appointment wanted to talk to the Dr. about maybe doing an Ultrasound or when she planned on doing one.. So Dr. asked me if I had any questions I started asking her about meds I can take for my cold, what kind of lotion I can use to put on my belly to try to stay away from stretch marks, and then I asked her the question.. Lol.. I asked her how she thought I was growing, if she thought I was bigger then I should be at how far along I thought I was and she looked at me and said I was fine, then I told her that my coworkers think I’m having twins, so she decided to touch my belly to feel for my uterus and that’s when she told me that she thought maybe they were right, that my uterus was bigger then it should be, she said it should be under my belly button and it’s just right above it.. I was like Uh-oh and began telling her that I was a twin and asked her if I had a chance and she asked if I was fraternal or identical.. I guess franternal twins have a better chance or something, so I was getting a little worried again.. she tried looking for the baby’s heart and see if there was another one, took her a little bit, but she finally found it a little lower then she thought ( it was 150 at the clinic) and was like yeah we need to schedule an ultrasound, I was like that was my next question.. So she said maybe tonight, but it’s kinda late so maybe tomorrow we told her tomorrow afternoon would work better for us. She was going out of town tomorrow afternoon so she was hoping we could get in soon. I told her I could probably wait until after Thanksgiving if I needed to and she’s like No you can’t because she knew that I was nervous and scared. Lol.. so she went to tell the nurse then a few mins later the nurse comes back in and was like so we got you an appointment for tonight in like an hour, so here is what you need to do.. You need to drink 40 oz of water and not go to the bathroom. I was like seriously I can’t do that I can’t not pee and especially when I’m drinking water.. she just kinda laughed at me.. So after wards we got a bottle of water and went and walked around Kohls for a little bit to waste some time as I’m drinking this water.. I was doing ok.. then we left and pulled in and I told Gil I can’t do this I have to go to the bathroom soooo bad.. So this lady asks us if we have an appointment and I give her the paper and told her I have an uncomfortable bladder, so she told me I might be able to go a little, but not a lot, and I was like I’ll be ok.. as we are talking to this other lady filling out paperwork answering questions I just couldn’t take it any longer and was like can I just go a little I can’t do this!!.. LOL… so she calls the tech to see what I can do and she tells her that she is on her way to come get me.. She finally comes to get me and then lays me on the bed and tells me I can put my legs up if it’s comfortable and I said no I have to leave them down, so she starts scanning for the baby and taking pictures, we then find out that we are having ONE baby and not twins.. sorry for those of you who were hoping for us to have twins maybe next time… LOL… Then she tells me I can go a little..then I lay back down and she’s scanning again Baby’s heart rate was 135 this time, and we told her what it was earlier and she said it was fine.. she then asks us do you want me to tell you guys what you’re having If I can figure it out.. I’m like WHAT how far along am I?? she’s like I’m not sure, but your around 19-20 weeks, I was like OMG really… She tells us that I’m already half way done, so crazy to think about.. so she starts scanning and taking pictures then tells me I can go again until I’m done and I was like Yay happy bladder!! Never been more excited to go to the bathroom.. Lol.. so anyway after wards she starts scanning me again and taking more pictures.. During all this scanning and taking pictures that baby is moving all over and kicking and moving it’s arms.. We were unable to find out the sex of the baby cuz of course it’s legs were crossed and it wouldn’t uncross it’s legs and she was already having problems trying to get pictures of the baby cuz it was moving all around.. Once we were done she gave us a cd, with 4 pictures on it, I’m kinda disappointed on the pictures she gave us because it was 2 face pictures, an arm picture and legs.. we didn’t get the profile picture or anything else. . Kinda bummed about that and that the baby wasn’t cooperating so we couldn’t find out what it was, but oh well guess that’s the least of my worries and it will be a surprise.. she said we won’t do another ultra sound unless the radiologist didn’t like any of the pictures she got or if something was wrong with me.. so we’ll just have to plan accordingly since we don’t know.. Kinda ruins some plans I had, but I’ll figure it out.. All that matter is Baby is ok and it is so that’s good.. So she told us at the end that I am 19 weeks and 5 days along, not 13.. Lol.. and that baby weighs 11 oz.. and new due date will be April 10th, not May 22nd!!.. As I was talking with my Sister and told her the due date she was like maybe you’ll have a March baby and I was like oh yeah maybe I will.. ( cuz I wanted a March baby sometime cuz that’s the only month out of the year that Gil’s family doesn’t have a Birthday.. ) so Maybe I will that would be cool. .But we’ll see.. I’m thinking about maybe looking into seeing how much the 3D ultrasounds are, kinda wanna get one of those done, but it all depends on how much it costs.. Might look into it just for the fun of it that would be my next chance to see what we are having.. Lol.. we will see though.. I’m not even sure I’m able to express how I’m feeling.. I’m very happy that Baby is doing well from what she could see.. I guess I’m just shocked that I’m further along then we thought, I am just surprised I didn’t know I was pregnant before I found out she was saying well you can have your period sometimes when you’re pregnant well that’s obviously what happened so weird to think about it.. I’m a little more nervous now, just cuz I know it’s coming more quickly and worried that we might not be able to come back to Wisconsin after Christmas like we planned guess we will play it by ear and see what my Dr. says… I will post the Baby’s ultrasound pictures below that we got, but as for more belly pics well I’m gonna now have to back track and figure out just really how far along I was in the pictures.. Lol.. so I’ll post those later.. ;-)
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Baby at 10 weeks.. ;-)
First blog since we’ve announced our BIG news. I’m gonna try to keep this up each week to share what’s going on, feelings, pictures and whatnot.. I was trying to figure out how to change my background to a baby one, but couldn't figure out how to do it, so we got this new background for now.. ;-)
As of a few days ago I am now 10 weeks, we had our First Dr. Appointment met with our Dr. and she asked us a bunch of questions and did checked me out and said everything looks good.. The best part was we got to FINALLY hear the Baby’s Heartbeat it was neat to hear it and so reassuring. I said to the Dr. “Yay!! Baby is alive and well!” and she kinda laughed at me and said with a smile yes baby is alive and well.. ;-) Baby’s heartbeat was 150 or 155. Makes it more real now that we’ve heard the heartbeat and so much more exciting.. We only heard one, but you never know, maybe there is another one hiding.. Haha.. I can’t wait until I get to the point where I can actually feel the baby kicking/moving..
Still don’t have really an cravings, if I do it’s unhealthy stuff that I shouldn’t be eating, but I still do once in a while. Gil and I were trying to figure out what to eat for lunch yesterday and I kept naming all this bad food and he was trying to figure out something healthy for us to eat. Then he remembered that we had some subway coupons, so we were like lets go to subway.. So we get there and we stand in line to order and I was trying to decide what I wanted to told him that maybe I’ll get this sub because it was what I had last time, and he’s like you can’t eat that because it’s deli meat you will have to have them heat it up.. I said I don’t like my meat heated up he’s like well have them cool it off then.. I was like really then why are we even here.. apparently we both didn’t think about it.. So I ended up ordering a pizza sub and got it toasted because I didn’t know what I wanted.. so we’ve decided that we can’t go to subway anymore.. Guess it’s one of those moments you had to be there.. Haha.. ;-)
Hum.. yeah so not to many cravings yet, still in the moods where I’m not sure what to eat… Not sure baby liked the sloppy joes we made the other day, didn’t sit well , but not as bad as the pizza that one night. I’ve actually be able to handle pizza since then, I think maybe it was the sauce on the other pizza that didn’t agree with me, who knows.. Gil joked and said we are going to have to make a list of food that I can’t eat and put it on the fridge.. He thinks I’m going to start liking Chinese food and Asian food and all that stuff I don’t like.. Ha.
Still having little cramps here and there, but nothing to major and not so often.. Still not sick or throwing up which is nice.. I told Gil the other day if cramping is really the only thing I have to complain about then I’ve pretty much got it made.. I’m so glad that I’m not sick.. ;-)
People keep telling me it's gonna be a girl, but with Gil growing up with brothers and out of the 14 neices and nephews he has 4 neices and the Tervort side doesn't have many girls either, so chances are slim, but hopeful for a girl.. ;-) Gil's had a dream or two about us having a girl.. One of my Cowokers actually siad it will be a girl with red hair.. Guess we'll see when the time comes if it's a boy or girl..
People at work are slowly finding out.. I've only told a few people, but now i'm getting people coming up to me and say congrats yesterday I had a manager come to me and said so I heard a rumor about you, and I sat waiting for her to say something else and then I looked at her and smiled and said YES, i'm pregnant.. and she starting talking to me about it for a little while, it was kinda funny... One of the ladies at work told me yesterday she thinks i'm bigger then I should be at how far along i'm supposed to be, so she think's it's twins..
I have some pictures that we’ve taken, but I didn’t want to post them until we got to see our Dr. and knew everything was ok, and see if I am as far along as I think I am.. We didn’t do an ultra sound to figure it out because I’m pretty sure I’m close to the time of my last period and she said even if I’m a few days off, it wouldn’t matter.. But with people coming up to me and telling me that I’m “BIG” for how far along I am makes me wonder if I really am further along or maybe there is another baby hiding in there or who knows.. I think if I was further along I’d be able to feel the baby move by now, and I’m not feeling anything yet, so I really just think I’m just “FAT” or as Gil says “you’re pregnant”. He doesn’t like it when I call myself “FAT”.. I haven't gained any weight yet, I weigh myself every once in a while and I lose a couple pounds but end up finding it back agian.. so I’m going to post pictures below that we’ve taken of me and my growing tummy.. ;-)
Thank You for taking the time to read about our new adventure and the process of it.. Hope I don’t bore you to much.. :-)
this was at 8 weeks..
This was at 9 weeks..
This would be me now at 10 weeks.. The day we went to see the Dr. and I didn't figure it out until after I put this shirt one, but it has hearts on it and we were going to hear the Baby's heart beat that day so in honor of that I guess I wore the right shirt.. ;-)
Me Trying to make a Heart.. <3
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Newest Update
So I know I haven’t blogged in a while, but guess we haven’t really had too much going on just the basics going to work and Gil is taking some online classes and life is GREAT!! This blog is especially special to us, because we have an announcement to make we wanted to wait a little longer, but we decided we can’t hold it in and keep it a secret any longer.. So here it is.. Drum Roll Please………..
We are EXPECTING a Baby!!! ;-) We are so excited and yet so nervous (well I’m nervous Gil is so calm which is good)..
Gil and I took a Vacation to Wisconsin September 19-24 and we came back and we both got colds. I knew it had to be something more, so I had taken a at home test Sunday September 30th and it came out positive, so we went to the Dr. Tuesday Oct. 2nd and without a doubt it was positive again.. After talking with the nurse we came to the conclusion that we will be due in May 2013 we are 6 weeks maybe closer to 7 by now.. We took a guess at the due date and came up with May 22nd. I’m sure we’ll figure out for sure once we have ultra sounds and whatnot.. We have our First appointment Thursday Oct. 11th in the morning, basically just our Medical History, family history, and just basic information and whatnot.. Then we aren’t sure what happens from there..
I’ve been feeling pretty good actually.. Don’t want to jinx anything, but No morning or night sickness, just some pain in the lower stomach which I was told is normal used a corn bag on it and it helped.. I have a headache once in a while, and tired but that’s not new stuff.. Ha.. I think it was all in my head, but I was sleeping on my back for a while and and couldn’t sleep on my side or stomach, but doing better now.. ;-) I can’t wait until we get ultra sounds done at least our first one just so I know everything is ok and baby is fine. It’s just nerve racking not knowing, but I know it’s ok..
Thank You for taking the time to hear about our news.. We will keep everyone updated as much as possible... Sorry if we didn’t get a chance to call everyone. Last week with finding out the news and having a busy work schedule wore us both out.. We wanted to make sure everyone knew and this was the easiest way to tell everyone..
Here are just a few pictures that we took.. ;-)
Monday, March 19, 2012
My new sewing project.
Alright for those of you who are wondering (if you've remembered) what the BIG sewing project was that I was working on, but didn't tell what it was. Time for the BIG reveal. ;-) Drum Roll please.. I made my Sister Chelsea an Apron for her Bridal Shower. I found my sewing machine in the garage and wanted to make something, but wasn't sure what I should make, so after some thought, I decided I would try to make her an apron. I did some research on the internet for some apron tutorials and found this one on pinterest which lead me to this site http://thedahlingdatingdivas.blogspot.com/2010/11/flirty-apron-tutorial.html. I had Gil help me make the pattern, the directions were pretty easy to follow and it was kinda fun. Now I wanna make something else, but not sure what.. I haven't sewed in forever, so I was kinda nervous about it, and made a few mistakes along the way, so i'm not to happy with it, but it turned out pretty good for not sewing in forever, and She liked it so that's all that matters. Below are some pictures of the process and what it looks like once it's all done..

Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Happy Valentines Day!!
Happy Valentines Day! Hope everyone had a great day.. I’ve never been a big fan of Valentines Day. Everyone would tell me it’s cuz you don’t have anyone to share it with and once you do you will love it. Once I did have someone to share it with it still brings me to my point of why I didn’t care for it. I think that we should All celebrate our love for each other everyday and not just once during the year. I am so glad that I have a Valentine everyday, to love and care for. I may not show it to him everyday, but hope I can learn to do it more.
This year I was excited for some surprises that I had in store for Gil, Not only did Gil have a surprise, but I had one up my sleeve as well. I found a recipe online to make homemade cupcakes with hearts in the middle of them (which I’ve never done before)with Laffy Taffy Frosting and figured out a way to make them into hearts.
So I bought the Valentine cake mix and baked the cake, so the next morning I could make hearts out of it. Well I realized that I forgot to color it pink, so wasn’t sure that the heart was gonna show up. So I thought maybe I’ll color the cupcake pink and hopfully the white heart will show up.. Well didn’t really work that way. Next time I will have to remember to color it pink. Technically what I was supposed to do was use half of the mix color it pink and then bake it into a small pan, but thought the Valentine Mix would work. Oh well gotta learn somehow.

Next I with the left over cake I had,
I made some Heart shaped cake pops (first time for making cake pops, and it was kinda fun once I got the hang of it). I thought I could make the cupcakes and the cake pops into Conversation Hearts, but the writing icing that I bought wasn’t working as well as I hoped it to work. So I just outlined them. They turned out really good. I was so excited. 

The day before I was trying to put together Gil’s Valentines Day gift.( I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t come up with Gil’s Valentines day gift all by myself I had found it on Pinterest and thought this is neat I might have to try it.) I had everything I needed so I thought.
I went to sit down and try putting things together, but realized the deck of cards that I had for this project had 48 cards and I needed 52. The idea of this was to write down 52 reason why I love him. So with 48 cards that was a little hard, so I had to cut paper and write down my reasons then the next day had to buy a new set of cards and put them together. So needless to say Valentines Day was a Busy day with baking/decorating and putting this together. 
I also found this idea of buying a frame with a mat ( I didn’t buy the frame yet, just the mat) and writing out the song lyrics to our first dance and then putting a picture of us dancing and framing it, so I wrote out the lyrics to our first dance on the mat and gave that to him as well. I’m not as creative as my Husband, so I have to look up ideas of things to do. ;-)
The picture is obviously not us. ;-)
When Gil got home from work and we made the Lasagna dinner he wanted to make the other day.
Turns out the reason why it wasn’t working was because he bought spring roll wrappers, cuz he couldn’t find the egg roll wrappers. Turns out that egg roll wrappers are in the cooler if you are ever looking for them. I found them in the cooler by the veggies. It turned out pretty good actually. and he even decorated it just like he had planned the other night he wanted to make this.

Then just stayed home the rest of the night and had a relaxing night, because we missed our Financial Peace class for the past 3 weeks, cuz of work, so we might just have to listen to the Cd’s ourselves since we keep missing the class. Good thing we already paid for it last time we took it. ;-)
Hope you all had a Wonderful Valentine’s Day. What did you do to Celebrate Valentine’s Day?
This year I was excited for some surprises that I had in store for Gil, Not only did Gil have a surprise, but I had one up my sleeve as well. I found a recipe online to make homemade cupcakes with hearts in the middle of them (which I’ve never done before)with Laffy Taffy Frosting and figured out a way to make them into hearts.
Next I with the left over cake I had,
The day before I was trying to put together Gil’s Valentines Day gift.( I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t come up with Gil’s Valentines day gift all by myself I had found it on Pinterest and thought this is neat I might have to try it.) I had everything I needed so I thought.
I also found this idea of buying a frame with a mat ( I didn’t buy the frame yet, just the mat) and writing out the song lyrics to our first dance and then putting a picture of us dancing and framing it, so I wrote out the lyrics to our first dance on the mat and gave that to him as well. I’m not as creative as my Husband, so I have to look up ideas of things to do. ;-)
When Gil got home from work and we made the Lasagna dinner he wanted to make the other day.
Then just stayed home the rest of the night and had a relaxing night, because we missed our Financial Peace class for the past 3 weeks, cuz of work, so we might just have to listen to the Cd’s ourselves since we keep missing the class. Good thing we already paid for it last time we took it. ;-)
Hope you all had a Wonderful Valentine’s Day. What did you do to Celebrate Valentine’s Day?
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