Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!!

Happy Valentines Day! Hope everyone had a great day.. I’ve never been a big fan of Valentines Day. Everyone would tell me it’s cuz you don’t have anyone to share it with and once you do you will love it. Once I did have someone to share it with it still brings me to my point of why I didn’t care for it. I think that we should All celebrate our love for each other everyday and not just once during the year. I am so glad that I have a Valentine everyday, to love and care for. I may not show it to him everyday, but hope I can learn to do it more.

This year I was excited for some surprises that I had in store for Gil, Not only did Gil have a surprise, but I had one up my sleeve as well. I found a recipe online to make homemade cupcakes with hearts in the middle of them (which I’ve never done before)with Laffy Taffy Frosting and figured out a way to make them into hearts. So I bought the Valentine cake mix and baked the cake, so the next morning I could make hearts out of it. Well I realized that I forgot to color it pink, so wasn’t sure that the heart was gonna show up. So I thought maybe I’ll color the cupcake pink and hopfully the white heart will show up.. Well didn’t really work that way. Next time I will have to remember to color it pink. Technically what I was supposed to do was use half of the mix color it pink and then bake it into a small pan, but thought the Valentine Mix would work. Oh well gotta learn somehow.

Next I with the left over cake I had, I made some Heart shaped cake pops (first time for making cake pops, and it was kinda fun once I got the hang of it). I thought I could make the cupcakes and the cake pops into Conversation Hearts, but the writing icing that I bought wasn’t working as well as I hoped it to work. So I just outlined them. They turned out really good. I was so excited.

The day before I was trying to put together Gil’s Valentines Day gift.( I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t come up with Gil’s Valentines day gift all by myself I had found it on Pinterest and thought this is neat I might have to try it.) I had everything I needed so I thought. I went to sit down and try putting things together, but realized the deck of cards that I had for this project had 48 cards and I needed 52. The idea of this was to write down 52 reason why I love him. So with 48 cards that was a little hard, so I had to cut paper and write down my reasons then the next day had to buy a new set of cards and put them together. So needless to say Valentines Day was a Busy day with baking/decorating and putting this together.

I also found this idea of buying a frame with a mat ( I didn’t buy the frame yet, just the mat) and writing out the song lyrics to our first dance and then putting a picture of us dancing and framing it, so I wrote out the lyrics to our first dance on the mat and gave that to him as well. I’m not as creative as my Husband, so I have to look up ideas of things to do. ;-) The picture is obviously not us. ;-)

When Gil got home from work and we made the Lasagna dinner he wanted to make the other day.

Turns out the reason why it wasn’t working was because he bought spring roll wrappers, cuz he couldn’t find the egg roll wrappers. Turns out that egg roll wrappers are in the cooler if you are ever looking for them. I found them in the cooler by the veggies. It turned out pretty good actually. and he even decorated it just like he had planned the other night he wanted to make this.

Then just stayed home the rest of the night and had a relaxing night, because we missed our Financial Peace class for the past 3 weeks, cuz of work, so we might just have to listen to the Cd’s ourselves since we keep missing the class. Good thing we already paid for it last time we took it. ;-)

Hope you all had a Wonderful Valentine’s Day. What did you do to Celebrate Valentine’s Day?

Saturday, February 11, 2012

What's in the Bag?

For those of you who are just reading this blog and didn't see my picture on facebook this is how it all started.. So my Husband texted me while he was working and told me he had dinner planned for that next day, but wouldn't tell me what it was. Thursday night when I got home from work he told me he went shopping after work for it, so I wake up that next morning I found this....
I thought to myself Hum.. wonder if he even knows what's in there. Haha. ;-) might be one of those surprise bags that he doesn't even know. He won't tell me.. I was scared to see. ;-)

Here it is people, the moment you all have been waiting for. What was in this bag that was posted on facebook? It turns out that bag was sitting there that night I got home from work, and some how didn’t see it until the next morning, not sure how that happened. Before I tell you what was in the bag, I just need to say one thing!! I have THE BEST Husband in the world and I’m soo blessed that God has put us together. It’s been a while since I got a surprise from him, and the fact that he put it ALL together HIMSELF, makes it soooo much worth it. He’s the only person that can make me mad and happy all at the same time and it makes me feel good.

Ok ok, what was in that bag you are asking? I will tell you, but then you will be asking really why those few things. So here you go.. There was some egg roll wrappers, spaghetti sauce, a Rose, some Sweet Hearts, and a brochure(that he made up all by himself)

and on the bottom was a note that said we were going to see a movie and 2 different movie times. I was literary shocked and so happy that he would take the time to do all of that just for me.. I had to ask, I said are you sure you didn't find this idea on Pinterest? Haha.. He's like no!! He knew I was just kidding.. He said he got the idea from God and just ran with it, and he was so excited about it.

As you read this you’re wondering what the egg roll wrapper , and spaghetti sauce was all about? Well at this time, I’m not sure, he tells me to relax and he’s going to go into the kitchen and make dinner, and he had dessert and everything planned. So I sit on the couch and wonder what is he doing? I peak on him a little and tells me not to, then the second time I peaked in on him, he looks at me and says go get some nice clothes on this isn’t gonna work were gonna go out. (needless to say I asked him before, if this was gonna be fancy and if I had to put on nice clothes when we eat, cuz I was wear sweats.) I was like what’s wrong, can I help you? What are you trying to do? So he explains that he’s trying to make mini Lasagna with the egg roll wrappers and a cupcake pan. I guess it wasn’t working cuz the egg roll wrappers, weren’t bending to fit the cupcake pan like they were supposed to, they just broke. He then tells me how he was gonna plate it all fancy and everthing.He then tells me that he googled romantic dinners and found this on a website and it was supposed to work and was bummned about it which made me kinda bummed about it too, but proceeded to change and do my hair, he tells me he made reservations to this restaurant online, and not to rush we have plenty of time. He said if we eat quick we can make it to the movie, I said lets not rush and maybe go to the movie tomorrow. Needless to say the restaurant was actually really good. So we took our time and missed the movie, which was fine, then we went to the redbox and rented “what’s your number”. It was actually an ok movie a few swear words here and there, but not to bad. We then came home and put the movie in and then he is getting dessert ready, which was really yummy. It was kinda like a lava cake, but it was a cookie with fudge in the middle and with some chocolate peanutbutter cup icecream.

I told him, maybe we can try making this Lasgana thing on Valentine’s Day and we can try it together, since we ended up going out to eat, he said ok. So come Valentine’s Day we are gonna try making this for Dinner,
gonna have to figure out some different egg roll wrappers or something..Now that I think about it it's kinda funny that he was planning on making these Lasgana Cups, cuz I made his Lasgana for Dinner last Valentine's Day which was our frist Valentines Day being married. Maybe it will have to be our tradition to make some kind of Lasgana for dinner Valentine's Day..

This afternoon after we cleaned the apartment we went to see the movie. He Finally decided he would take me to see "The Vow" He didn't wanna take me, cuz he didn't wanna see it so I was excited he took me to see it. (sorry Krissandra, but I will still go see it again with you)

Hope you all enjoyed figuring out what was in the bag and reading about my night as much as I enjoyed it. I am so blessed and so excited to see what God has in store for us.