Friday, August 22, 2014

Month 14 and 15

OK, so I'm failed at posting my blogs up lately...I've been writing them, but I haven't posted them. So I will be posting a bunch at the same time...this blog post will be 2 months in one since the 2 months seem to have ran together and not really sure on somethings when she did them, so I will try my best...Ha ha. Anyway, Month 14 we Celebrated her 2nd 4th of July, we took her to her first parade here in our new small town, she enjoyed it for a little bit, but got bored after a good solid 15 minutes, we gave her her fist sucker while we were there, and freezy-pop popsicle, Grandma and Grandpa and Auntie Hallie were with us too, we made some 4th of July shirts with our hand prints in the shape of a flag on some white t-shirts. Then after the parade we rode up to Scottsbluff to visit Auntie Chelsea and Uncle Luke and celebrated the 4th of July there they didn't have fireworks going, but you could light your own and Luke's family was there too and brought their own fireworks and all the neighbors were letting them off just right outside it was crazy...Elycia and I had decided that we would drive back with Grandma and Grandpa and Auntie Hallie to Wisconsin and that Gil would fly out a few days later, that was her first time away from Daddy for that long...she was a trooper...We got to see Uncle Sean, Tara, and her Cousins, and all her Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins on the Anthony side along with her Grandparents and her Great Grandma...So we spent a week in Wisconsin then came home and around when she turned 15 months old. She figured out what to do with crayons and how to color, her and Daddy colored their first picture together. She has gotten more teeth with her molars coming in. She absolutely LOVES anything with wheels and pushing or pulling it. She has also learned how to say no (uh-oh).

At 15 months she found her belly button and her belly, she had her 15 month check up and she weighed 22.2 pounds and about 31 inches. She didn't weigh to much more from the last time we took her in so I was a little worried, but her nurse said she's fine and at this age she's more mobile and losing some weight and won't be gaining so much at a time now. So that was good to hear. She's learned how to go down the stairs by herself, being more and more sassy and throwing more and more fits when she isn't getting her way or move her from somewhere she isn't supposed to be (apparently she prefers to live life on the edge and laughs in the face of danger), she's also getting more teeth. She still LOVES "Let it go"! She's gotten more and more on key and singing along when they say Let it go!, it's so gosh darn cute! She knows where our Belly and Belly button is...She gives kisses when you ask her to, she says more and more words everyday like: Belly, she says eyes and knows where they are, she can say drink, Hallie, and we're working on Chelsea, she can also say Daddy, eat, and she is starting to understand what we are saying to her and will go pick things up or find them if we ask her to, it's so cute! Tried giving her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, she had one bite chewed it for a few seconds then spit it out (she was not impressed) Ha. She knows where ears are, she says shoes, drink, juice, just trying to repeat things we say and do... She will sometimes say no when we tell her no. We celebrated Daddy's Birthday...We had some visitors too, Gils friend Brandon (Uncle Brandon) and his Girlfriend Sorcia...They spent about week with us, we took Elycia to the Zoo for the 2nd time she was so much more into it than when she was 3 months old. Ha ha. She wanted to Run-run-run and look at everything. We went to Colorado Springs for the first time and went to Focus on the Family and the Garden of the Gods. She is getting faster and faster with her walking/running skills. She's eaten some bbq chips and Cheetos. She's been starting to kinda go to sleep by herself at night...We will rock her a little bit and then she will either fall asleep or just want to be put down, so we put her down in her bed and sometimes she just lays there and goes to sleep, other times she cries for a little bit and then plays, sometimes we have to go in there and lay her down with her paci, but she's been doing pretty good...She is getting better at holding our hand when we go for walks, she holds it for a longer period of time now not just 2 seconds. She is amazed at the smallest things and says WOW...She knows how to go down the stairs. She is loving her new home! We got some Family pictures taken. She says HI to everyone she sees, she will even get close to our face and go HI!. When we go outside if she sees a car go by, she waves and says buh bye...She loves to pick the flowers (dandelions) even the ones with no flower just the stems. She will try to smell the flowers and then also try eating them. We bought her her first Bible songs on CD... We've listened to it a couple times she seems to like it. She dances to music and kicks her feet to it.. She trys to play Daddy's guitar and loves the fake one she has and says du-du-du when she is playing it. She LOVES to hide... We usually hide from Gil under the blankets and he will come find her. Even when he's not home and she sees a blanket she wants to hide (Gil says it's because she's part Ninja).

This past couple months have been a busy one for all of us, We went to Wisconsin because Gil's Grandma wasn't doing well, and we weren't sure what would happen and I wanted Gil to see her, just in case something were to happen. So we went back for a weekend trip and we spent sometime with her Sunday before we left Monday...once we got home that Friday afternoon we found out the his Grandma had passed away. We were able to get Gil to the funeral to be there for him and his mom, which left Elycia and I home by ourselves for a weekend. That's the longest it's just been me and Elycia usually it's just while Gil is working. Gil had been having a hard stressful time at work once we got back from vacation and I could see it and didn't know what to do, kept encouraging him to keep at it, and asking him if it will get better he says yeah maybe, he just was having a stressful time and after talking to his manager realized this job is to much for him right now and he isn't going to be able to work all the hours they expect of him and plus continue on with schooling. So we have decided that it would be better for him to look for a part time job, something with less hours that will let him do school, and I will be looking for a new job too since I don't get many hours at Kohls or paid well as it is too...He will start School on the 19th and hopefully have a new job by then too...Just keep praying for us! Gil was just offered a job as a security guard for the Budweiser plant that is only 7 miles away from our house. He will be working overnight shifts which will be good for him, because he will be able to work and do school. It was 40 hrs a week and will pay less obviously, but for now it will do until he gets offered another job, or I can get a job that pays better...I will be asking Kohls to give me more hours now that he will be able to be at home with Elycia during the day then I can work a little more to help support us too. Whew, I think that catches us pretty much up to date!

14 months

14 months down and still going strong! She is such a little stinker more and more everyday! More and more of a sassy personality and getting so big everyday.

Over the past month she's been fully on her sippy cups except for when we do nap time and bed time then she gets a bottle. We've cut her milk down to just nap time and bed time, we've been doing more water and at least one cup of juice mixed with a little water to help with her consistpation which we still are dealing with, poor baby. We watched Auntie Chelsea and Uncle Luke's dogs for a couple days and she really enjoyed that. Gil wants to get her a dog, but I don't know if we will for a while (He's says Christmas is around the corner, I think he just wants one). She loves dogs so I'm sure that someday we will get one. She loves seeing them on tv too, even if it's a cat. She's really starting to dance more when she hears music, especially when Mickey Mouse is on, she twists her hips and claps and moves her hands it's so funny and cute (she even does it for commercials with the catchy jingles). She is more and more sassy and starting to hit us when she gets mad. She's a pro at walking, and she's been walking all over even more outside. We celebrated my birthday and went to Denver met up with Chelsea and then we went to the Cheesecake Factory, so yummy. Found her some shoes she can actually walk in at stride rite, I was so excited because it's been so hard to find her some that aren't heavy for her. She does good with them outside too, she fell a few times but because she was going to fast, but she doesn't seem to care and she gets right back up and continues on her way. She walks so fast it's almost a run. She goes up the stairs so good now, they don't seem to bother her so much anymore, she still tries going up by herself every now and again. She knows how to go down the stairs and how to get off the couch. Gets into everything now and is such a monster (A cute adorable snuggly Monster! Ha ha). She loves to sing with Daddy and by herself. She will sometimes sing with Gil when he puts her to sleep its cute listening. She learned how to sing "Let it go" from Disney's Frozen movie. It's so funny and so cute listening to her, she sings it all the time. I taught her how to say uh oh... We got her and Gil's first father daughter pictures taken for Father's Day which turned out to be oh so cute!! ;-). She loves to drink out of our cups and bottles. She also is a big fan of straws and figured out how to blow bubbles in her drinks (uh-oh). She loves graham crackers and yogurt for snacks. She loves our drawer in the kitchen with the measuring spoons and cups walks around the house with them. She loves our spinning cupboard too. She does high fives and is still blowing kisses. She is constantly amazed by the garage door opening and closing (I love the look on her face).

Gil's job is getting a little better I think. Not being told he's not doing his job right anymore so that's good. Still stressful, but got a few compliments on how well he's doing now. He took the summer off school to focus on his job and figure out how to do it. He will be going back in the fall. We are still trying to get settled into our new home. I hate moving so much! Especially trying to unpack with a baby toddler around...Well that's what's going on over yonder here. :-)

13 months

Wow, 13 months old already. We have made it beyond the first year of her life and it has been so fun and crazy, all at the same time. Seriously, I couldn't imagine life without her. Over the first month of her first year lots has happened.

We had a birthday party for her on her b-day here in Colorado. We celebrated her first Easter at Auntie Chelsea's and Uncle Luke's with Grandma, Grandpa and Auntie Hallie. Went through her first ear infection and with that came hives from her amoxicillin she was givin for it. We started weaning her off of formula by doing half formula and half whole milk and quickly got her strictly onto whole milk. After she made the switch she got, and keeps getting, constipated from her milk. Her Dr. Suggested that we don't give her as much milk as we have been and just give it to her at meal times and water in between so once we get her regular again we will cut back on her milk and see if that helps her. We introduced juice to her, prune and apple to help her tummy issue. She only gets juice right now when she's constipated to help her out. She's is now an amateur climber and ascends everything she can, she even learned how to climb up the couch from the side. She plays patty cake by herself, sometimes we see her clapping and then "rolling the dough". She had her first shopping outing with Auntie Chelsea. She survived her first move. We got her a new car seat and she ended up getting carsick so we are waiting for a new one to arrive and hopefully this one will work better for her. She loves the stairs in our new home. She is getting more animated with her facial expressions (just like her daddy), she is getting more sassy and almost throwing fits (like her daddy, ha ha), still throws her head back when she's mad, she sometimes started to hit when she's mad (won't be letting that go on very long), she loves doggies everytime we see one she gets excited says doggie or says woo woo. She still loves her Mickey Mouse, she's starting not to like her face wiped after mealtime, She says YEAH all the time it's so funny talking to her asking her yes or no questions and she's like YEAH. She really starts dancing when she hears music, especially when Mickey Mouse comes on. Getting more and more snuggly in the mornings and when she wakes up from her naps (So sweeeeet). Loves looking at her books, especially the ones that sing, sometimes it sounds like she's even singing along with them (or copy them). She's on the go-go-go and she's non stop. She says dada, daddy, mmmmm, but not so much momma :-( only a few times, doggie, yeah. She likes to give us her paci and put it in our mouths, she is more snuggly with her stuffed animals and gives them loves all the time. She loves to play with our phones and put them up to her ear and talk. She loves playing with our keys walks around the house with them, she started playing with her toes again every once in a while. She also started trying to feed us her food. She loves the stairs.. She will literally walk towards the stairs and look at me as she's walking and smile then she will go up the stairs and sit on the second stair and wait for me and then start laughing when she sees me.

We have been a busy family this past month we moved into our new home and slowly settling in and slowly feeling like home. Things have just been crazy around here, not really much excitement except for moving into our home. Gil finish his semester of school and taking the summer off to get his job figured out so in the fall he can go back to school and work. His job has been so stressful, but I think he's getting it now...And that's a wrap for things over here just after her first year. :-)