Monday, March 23, 2015

20 months

Wow, how can it be we are only 4 months away from having a 2 year old!?!?!?!?! 20 months have come and gone and it's been a wild ride and so much fun! We've enjoyed all the ups and downs that come along with it. Lets see what can I say that she's learned over the past month... She is FINALLY saying Mommy, momma, mom and it's so exciting to hear her say it! I love every moment of her saying it!! We Celebrated Thanksgiving as our own little family. We just stayed in at our house and had our own little Thanksgiving dinner... It was a pretty nice day so we took out her slide we bought her at a online facebook garage sale which was pretty new looking and got it for 20 dollars. I had to work the evening over night at Kohl's for Black Friday... We put up our Christmas Tree that weekend too... Elycia loves our Christmas tree and even tried helping put it up. We had her put up some of her own Christmas ornaments too... She loves to walk around it and peak through the tree branches and even smelling it as if it was a real tree... She loves all the ornaments and she doesn't do to bad with them, but sometimes she just can't help to take them off. She loves turning on the Christmas tree lights all the time...all...the...time... She says Button and wants to press the button to turn it on when she notices it's not on. She's learned some of the holiday words, like Santa, Reindeer, Snowman, and Christmas (she says MissMas), Candy Cane, and she knows Chocolate because my Mom and Frank got her a chocolate advent calendar and we open it up every day after lunch and she just loves doing it. She always wants to open up more then she needs too (this girl loves her chocolate), somedays she's been able to open more, because we've either forgotten or she was sick. She also knows hearts... and still loves dancing and spinning to her silly songs. She came down with the tummy flu I think. She woke up in the middle of the night throwing up pretty consistently and I was nervous for her, she finally fell asleep but then she woke up throwing up again and then she seemed to be doing better, she still wasn't really interested in eating or drinking for a while. But little by little she got the courage to drink and eat again and after a couple days she decided she was ok to eat and drink again. We took a few fun Christmas Pictures of her! She loves to help around the Kitchen with the dishwasher, stirring dinner. She helped me make up some sugar cookies and she even tried frosting them kinda, if you count licking the She loves to color or draw, she wants to do it all the time now. We traced her hand and made some turkeys with them to get her in the Thanksgiving spirit. And so now she loves to get her hand and feet traced. Gil started his new job and I think he's liking it! It has better hours than his security guard job which was overnights. Now we'll get to see him on the weekends and for dinner too! It's all these little things that add up to something wonderful! ;-)

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