For everyone who wants to know about the Proposal here's what happened.. It happened 2 weeks ago today Saturday May 1st. We drove up to Copper Falls that morning, cuz I've never been there and he wanted to take me.. We took some food with us, so we could have a little picnic while we were there..
of us by the waterfall, so I said ok, took us a while to find the right spot, then he asked how to get the camera to take 10 pictures cuz we had it set to take 2, I told him 2 was fine, well not realizing that he changed it to 10 the camera is taking pictures,the next thing I know after it takes what I thought was 2 pictures I look over and there he was on his knee with the ring..
I was kinda busy wondering why the camera was taking a ton of pictures, so in my pictures I'm not looking at him at all. Ha.. I wanted soo bad to say "are you serious", cuz I totally wasn't expecting it at all.. I had just told him the night before, that I wasn't gonna get my hopes up for it to happen sometime before my bday cuz he said it would, but I didn't wanna get hopes up and then it not happen, cuz I knew he had school and stuff to pay for and just wanted him to know that I wasn't gonna expect
it to happen cuz at that time my birthday was then like a month away, didn't want him to feel like he had to rush to get a ring and whatnot, little did I know he already had the ring and was planning on proposing that next day! Kinda caught me off guard a bit.. Ha.. Now to plan the wedding!
Love this post! I'm so glad you caught your excitment on camera, and it's a neat way to look back and remember how it all began! Love you guys