Tuesday, December 17, 2013
8 months
Our little girl is now 8 months old.. I know I probably say this every blog, but she's getting so BIG so fast and growing so fast.. Can't believe it's been 8 months already.. The last month has been kind of crazy (aren't they all crazy? lol) and I didn't even post the blog I had written so I can going to post it when I post this blog. Last month started off with Elycia getting the Flu as I mentioned in the last blog it was a long couple of weeks as she got better.. Then Gil got it one night I had to make a 2 or 3 o clock trip to the store for some things for him.. I am just glad I didn't get it too.. We hope everyone had a GREAT Thanksgiving. We went to my Sister Chelsea's house and had lunch with her, Luke and Luke's family.. We had to leave early cuz I had to work Thanksgiving Night at Kohls which was pretty crazy.. But we had a good time spending it with them.. Elycia had a bad night while we were there.. We think she just wasn't sure where she was and she feel asleep ok, but woke up a couple hours later and screamed for an hour on and off.. finally we just laid her on the air mattress with us and she cried a little rolled over and laid her head on my chest and then went right to sleep...It was a rough start to Thanksgiving. ;-)
Over the past month she's learned how to actually crawl the right way except when she Army crawls cuz she can get places faster, but now she's doing better at the crawing.. She's learned to pull herself up on things, I've seen her try to walk along the side of things as she stands, She learned how to put her paci in her mouth and sometimes puts it in sideways, upside down or right side up too. We've been giving her fruits just like last month but now we are taking it slower and introducing her to fruits one at a time to make sure she doesn't have an allergic reaction and if she does we'd be able to pinpoint the cause faster.. So we gave her pears while she was sick and she liked them, tried bananas and she likes those too, so sticking with those for a while.. She's on 7 ounces of milk, which is either a hit or a miss sometimes, she might only drinks 6 and then sometimes she drinks the whole 7.. We've been trying to give her fruits in the morning and veggies at lunch and dinner.. We moved her bed down all the way since she's standing up in her bed.. We took her to see Santa and she wasn't a big fan of him, not even when we sat there with him.. Ha.. She's a big fan of growling at people or things it's so funny, she's got her 2 bottom teeth in and she started getting her first top tooth now she's getting them both in.. she's reaching more for us when we put our hands down.. Loves looking in the mirror, she is better at holding her bottles and holds them one handed sometimes.. She tried graham crackers and cheerios for the first time and she seemed to like those.. She loves Mickey Mouse all you have to do is show her a picture of him and she gets all excited.. She also loves the Christmas tree, she loves grabbing it and pulling stuff off of it.. She still loves bath time and has learned how to splash in the water and loves it.. She opens things with her teeth like her wipes container and her puffs container. We took her to a Christmas Tree farm with my Aunt, Uncle and their 2 boys.. She wasn't so sure about it at first she was all snuggled up to Gil and then I started talking to her and we were able to get her to turn around and look and then she got all excited and started talking, screaming, and just loving being outside..
Yesterday I was laying on the floor and Gil was sitting near me and Elycia came over to me and used me to help her stand next thing we know she's still a little wobbly and she's standing up by herself as she wobbles Ha.. for like 5 seconds she was doing it.. I'm a Proud Momma!
Gil finished his semester of School, now he's done until it starts up again after the new year.. We are heading to Wisconsin tomorrow night to spend sometime there for Christmas (SO Excited!).. We will be driving tomorrow night to North Platte NE and staying the night then we will leave Thursday to drive to Lacrosse to stay the night at Gil's friends place and then head to the Dells Friday afternoon to meet up with my family.. It will be fun.. Please keep us in your prayers for traveling it will be Elycia's first LONG road trip too, so hopefully she will do well.. We hope you all have a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We are still working on Christmas cards, yes I know its almost Christmas, I'm pretty sure it sneaked up on me this year.. Ha..
7 Months
Our Baby Girl is 7 months old already not only is that crazy, but even crazier to think we've been parents for 7 months too! Wouldn't have it any other way! God has seriously blessed us with her and we just love her to pieces..
Over the past month Elycia has been growing more and more everyday and learning new things...if we thought she was talking more before, well now she's really talking sometimes we think we know what she's saying.. Ha.. She's talking just about all the time at home and in the car not so much when we go other places...We think she's gonna be one of those babies that talk talk talk and then when we go somewhere she doesn't talk. lol.. She has started this new thing when we go places and she hears people talking to us or her she gets her shyness on and puts her head down on us and snuggle it's so cute and funny... sometimes she'll even look at us first to make sure it's ok and then she snuggles up.. She has taught herself how to pull herself up on things and stand up... She's constantly pulling herself up all the time.. She loves when Gil has his guitar out and sits on the floor with her and plays and she comes over and pulls herself up on his guitar. We've put her matress down to keep her from climbing out (hopefully).. She's fully sitting up by herself, she's still doing the Army crawl she gets up on her hands and knees and tries to move and she ends up just face planting and then does the Army crawl.. sometimes she can figure out how to move and move a little.. We've tried her on Fruits, she's not to excited about her fruits doesn't really care for them to much, but she LOVES her vegetables which is good.. I think her favorite is Sweet Potatoes. She's got her 2 bottom teeth in Gil says he thinks maybe some on the top will be coming in soon.. Tried her on the puffs, she wasn't so sure about them and she kinda gagged too, I've decided we need to start breaking them up in little pieces instead of giving her the whole thing like we were doing.. Sometimes it sounds like she says da da and mom and anything else we think it sounds like she says... lol She LOVES to suck on her bottom lip. She sometimes gives kisses.. She'll open her mouth and lean towards your face with her mouth open and kisses. Ha. She's learned how to throw tantrums.. She throws her head back and cries when she's mad or just cuz she feels like it...
We took her to a Pumpkin patch and got some pumpkins, she loves being outside! We dressed her up as Cinderella for Halloween took her out trick or treating with some friends of ours and no-one would give her candy they would all say how cute she is, but didn't have anything for her.. lol.. We carved a pumpkin with her hand and foot prints. Elycia and I have been going to MOPS every week, they say she does good in the Nursery. It's been fun for us to go and meet new people and kids.
It's a little late post just because it's been crazy here.. We started off her 7 month off with the Flu which was pretty scary for me.. Gil was at work and I was feeding her carrots, and she ate a few of them and then started gagging so I stopped and tried her bottle she wasn't to interested in it so I gave her the paci and she just laid with me sucking her paci for a while then I decided to try her milk again and she didn't want it, next thing I know she's throwing up all over me.. and then I cleaned her up and put her to sleep on me when she woke up she puke like 4 more times. Then as soon as Gil walked into the door his welcome home gift was more puke and he says get her to the tub I said you drop everything and come get her cuz I was so scared. So I told him I was calling urgent care since her clinic was closed and explained everything and they said they wanted to see her to make sure she wasn't dehydrated. So we brought her in and they gave her a shot of Zofran to help with her nausea and told us to give her Pedialite.. We gave her some when we got home and she went right to sleep poor baby was tired between that shot and puking.. I had called the nurse the next day to make sure how much pedilite she can have and how often. she told me basically as much as she wants as often as she wants and wanted to try like 3 ounces of milk little at a time to make sure she could handle it.. she seemed like she handled it ok, so Saturday we tried giving her more and she wasn't to interested in it.. I was afraid to give her the milk since I got puked on all that time so I made Gil do it.. so when I got home from work that evening and she woke up we tried giving her more, but she wasn't to interested so we waited until dinner was done and then I tried giving it to her and she didn't want it and then she puked again.. SO we had to start all over on the pedialite and give it to her for a full 24 hours to make sure she was ok.. So Sunday was a day full of pedialite and a some sweet potato puffs and a little bit of pears.. and she seemed to do well with those. so we have slowly added milk back into her diet a little at a time until she can handle the full 6 ounces she was getting again.. She seems to be doing better with her milk so that's good.. a little spit up here and there, but not to bad.. Then Gil got sick Monday Night! ugh.. Ha so he stayed home from work yesterday and is now feeling better (Gil would like to point out that it was his first call-in in over 2 years).. Just hoping I don't get it now.. So please pray I don't.. we are heading out this evening in a couple hours to drive to Chelsea and Luke's house for Thanksgiving tomorrow then we have to leave after lunch around 2 or 230 because I have to be back to work at 7 since they are opening at 8.. :-( I decided to work that shift since it would get me some extra money since I haven't been getting many hours.. and that 2 years I've worked the beginning shift and kinda liked it compared to during the day on Black Friday...So hopefully It won't be to bad I have to work until 4am Friday morning unless I get set home early who knows.. should be interesting.. We are just gonna stay home this weekend with Elycia and Gil being sick just having a low key weekend and putting up our Christmas Tree and decorations.. SOOO Excited!! I LOVE this time of the year it's my favorite! Elycia, Gil and I will be coming back to Wisconsin leaving here on the 19th I believe and staying until the 27th I think we are gonna drive so it should be fun.. ;-)
Sunday, October 27, 2013
6 months
It's hard to believe that our little Girl is 6 months old (half a year) already.. Time is sure going by quickly, I almost wish time would slow down a bit.. ;-) She has blessed our life so much over the past 6 months, brought so much more joy and laughter into our lives.. We are so grateful that God has chosen to give her to us and at this time.. She is definitely a blessing and we thank God for her everyday.. I failed to mention on the last blog a couple of things so I thought I'd add it on here.. 1 thing I forgot to mention was that she loves sleeping on her belly the moment we lay her down she flips right over onto her belly and she's a mover while she sleeps as well we've noticed that since a few days after she was born when she was sleeping in her bassinet, but now that she has more room in her crib she moves all over. 2nd thing I forgot to mention was that she LOVES the itsy bitsy spider song, we do motions and everything. ;-) It especially helps her when she's crabby in the car I'll start singing that song to her and she stops crying and just listens it's so funny.. So we try singing it to her to calm her down and so far it seems to work..
She had her 6 month check up on Wednesday.. She is up to 16.4lbs is what they told us, but 16.2 is what they wrote down.. so she's in the 49th percentile, she is 26.7 inches in the 78 percentile. She was given 3 shots and a oral one again.. She did SO much better this time around with her shots, no fever and not crabby, so much easier this time around.. Daddy made sure to tell her nurse he didn't like the way the nurse did it last time and so this time they did a much better job.. Dr. Said that everything looks good and that she's doing everything she should be doing at her age, expect for pulling herself up with the help of us holding her hands of course.. She said she's advanced and doing a 9 month thing and that she thinks she'll be an early walker..
Over the past month we've gone though quite a bit with her.. We took her in to see if she had an ear infection since she had been really crabby and playing with her ear and pulling on it, Dr. said that she was fine no ear infection and maybe she's pulling on her ear from teething since the ear and throat are all connected to her jaw it can cause issues... She also had her first cold it wasn't to bad she just got stuffy.. It bothered me more then it did her.. She was just her normal happy self doing all her normal things and me being a paranoid mommy was worried about her, I didn't think she was old enough to get a cold already.. It lasted about a week and we had to suck her nose out with the nose sucker thingy(not sure what it's actually called , Gil says its a Nasal Aspirator. lol) She hated it and still hates it, but I guess I don't blame her. We put saline drops in her nose and got her a better humidifier and some Vicks pads to put in her humidifier, lifted up her mattress to help her sleep better and breathe as well... after about a week of all that she seemed to be getting better, but then we noticed her squeaking whenever she would breathe in and after a couple of days of it just randomly happening we decided since our clinic was closed we would call urgent care and talk to a nurse to see if it's something to be worried about if we need to bring her in, they decided they wanted to see her, so we brought her in and the Dr. listened to her lungs and said he didn't hear anything that we should be worried about. He said that this age they worry about RSV, pneumonia, etc. after checking her out he said she seemed good, if we get worried to count her breathing and whatnot. She seems to be doing better now with it and not as often during the day. Just as we thought she was getting better, she started back up with her cold again.. Ugh.. She doesn't seem as stuffy as when she first got it, but she's stuffy again poor baby... so back at doing everything we were doing all over again to get her better.. I'm really hoping that she doesn't end up with Asthma and Allergies like I have and be stuffy most of the year..(Gil says She'll be just fine, I think he's the optimist around here. Lol)
She's been fully holding her head up, we are still working on her sitting up skills, she just doesn't like to sit up she'd rather stand (with our help) then sit.. She's so close to sitting by herself though she did it a few times for a few seconds so I'm sure she will master that soon... She is a crawler well sort of.. She does the Army crawl, doesn't lift her tummy off the floor yet, but she still gets to were she needs to go in a hurry.. My favorite is when she eyes something up and crawls to it and we tell her "No" and "Come back" and "Get this other toy", she stops and looks at you and smiles and then heads the direction she was going for... She's such a little stinker but we LOVE her! We've started giving her some baby food, so far she's eaten sweet potatoes, green beans, carrots and peas and she LOVES it. she eats it so good.. we tried more of the cereal, but she just doesn't seems to like it as much as her veggies, Her Dr. said to give her veggies in the morning since she doesn't like the cereal..(Gil said to try Frosted Flakes, but the Dr. said "NO"...Now Gils sad...Lol) She likes to watch us eat and sometimes we look over and her and it looks like she's trying to chew it's so cute.. She LOVES her jumper toy, we catch her jumping in it and she picks up her feet off the ground and swings for a couple seconds, it's hilarious.. We had to lift up her Jumper to the next level.. She still LOVES listening to Daddy Sing and play his guitar for her.. She has a high pitch voice sometimes when she talks almost like she's found her voice and likes to hear it.. Ha.. She is holding her bottle got to help her sometimes holding it up, she loves to grab our faces while she drinks her bottle or even I've caught her staring at her hands and watching her move them almost like she's waving... She has a Favorite song that Gil sings to her, as soon as she hears it she just has the biggest smile on her face.. She also has a favorite commercial that she loves it's that Good-Will Halloween commercial.. She's also been learning to Mimic noises that we make..(Gil says Boo-Ya!)
Can you tell I had Gil proof read this he added big words and things about himself.. Haha.. We just got in her High chair the other day.. She looks so tiny in it, but it's so much easy to feed her in it since she sits more still and up higher.. We are gonna try to get some of those puff things for her to try while she sits in her high chair.. The only thing with the tray being there it feels like she's so far away.. We have a baby food processer and are thinking about trying to make our own baby food we shall see how well that works.. Ha..
Here are a few pictures we took of her Wednesday morning at my Aunts house before we took her in for her Dr. Appointment... ;-)
A few of our favorites from a photo shoot this morning..
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