Tuesday, December 17, 2013

7 Months

Our Baby Girl is 7 months old already not only is that crazy, but even crazier to think we've been parents for 7 months too! Wouldn't have it any other way! God has seriously blessed us with her and we just love her to pieces.. Over the past month Elycia has been growing more and more everyday and learning new things...if we thought she was talking more before, well now she's really talking sometimes we think we know what she's saying.. Ha.. She's talking just about all the time at home and in the car not so much when we go other places...We think she's gonna be one of those babies that talk talk talk and then when we go somewhere she doesn't talk. lol.. She has started this new thing when we go places and she hears people talking to us or her she gets her shyness on and puts her head down on us and snuggle it's so cute and funny... sometimes she'll even look at us first to make sure it's ok and then she snuggles up.. She has taught herself how to pull herself up on things and stand up... She's constantly pulling herself up all the time.. She loves when Gil has his guitar out and sits on the floor with her and plays and she comes over and pulls herself up on his guitar. We've put her matress down to keep her from climbing out (hopefully).. She's fully sitting up by herself, she's still doing the Army crawl she gets up on her hands and knees and tries to move and she ends up just face planting and then does the Army crawl.. sometimes she can figure out how to move and move a little.. We've tried her on Fruits, she's not to excited about her fruits doesn't really care for them to much, but she LOVES her vegetables which is good.. I think her favorite is Sweet Potatoes. She's got her 2 bottom teeth in Gil says he thinks maybe some on the top will be coming in soon.. Tried her on the puffs, she wasn't so sure about them and she kinda gagged too, I've decided we need to start breaking them up in little pieces instead of giving her the whole thing like we were doing.. Sometimes it sounds like she says da da and mom and anything else we think it sounds like she says... lol She LOVES to suck on her bottom lip. She sometimes gives kisses.. She'll open her mouth and lean towards your face with her mouth open and kisses. Ha. She's learned how to throw tantrums.. She throws her head back and cries when she's mad or just cuz she feels like it... We took her to a Pumpkin patch and got some pumpkins, she loves being outside! We dressed her up as Cinderella for Halloween took her out trick or treating with some friends of ours and no-one would give her candy they would all say how cute she is, but didn't have anything for her.. lol.. We carved a pumpkin with her hand and foot prints. Elycia and I have been going to MOPS every week, they say she does good in the Nursery. It's been fun for us to go and meet new people and kids. It's a little late post just because it's been crazy here.. We started off her 7 month off with the Flu which was pretty scary for me.. Gil was at work and I was feeding her carrots, and she ate a few of them and then started gagging so I stopped and tried her bottle she wasn't to interested in it so I gave her the paci and she just laid with me sucking her paci for a while then I decided to try her milk again and she didn't want it, next thing I know she's throwing up all over me.. and then I cleaned her up and put her to sleep on me when she woke up she puke like 4 more times. Then as soon as Gil walked into the door his welcome home gift was more puke and he says get her to the tub I said you drop everything and come get her cuz I was so scared. So I told him I was calling urgent care since her clinic was closed and explained everything and they said they wanted to see her to make sure she wasn't dehydrated. So we brought her in and they gave her a shot of Zofran to help with her nausea and told us to give her Pedialite.. We gave her some when we got home and she went right to sleep poor baby was tired between that shot and puking.. I had called the nurse the next day to make sure how much pedilite she can have and how often. she told me basically as much as she wants as often as she wants and wanted to try like 3 ounces of milk little at a time to make sure she could handle it.. she seemed like she handled it ok, so Saturday we tried giving her more and she wasn't to interested in it.. I was afraid to give her the milk since I got puked on all that time so I made Gil do it.. so when I got home from work that evening and she woke up we tried giving her more, but she wasn't to interested so we waited until dinner was done and then I tried giving it to her and she didn't want it and then she puked again.. SO we had to start all over on the pedialite and give it to her for a full 24 hours to make sure she was ok.. So Sunday was a day full of pedialite and a some sweet potato puffs and a little bit of pears.. and she seemed to do well with those. so we have slowly added milk back into her diet a little at a time until she can handle the full 6 ounces she was getting again.. She seems to be doing better with her milk so that's good.. a little spit up here and there, but not to bad.. Then Gil got sick Monday Night! ugh.. Ha so he stayed home from work yesterday and is now feeling better (Gil would like to point out that it was his first call-in in over 2 years).. Just hoping I don't get it now.. So please pray I don't.. we are heading out this evening in a couple hours to drive to Chelsea and Luke's house for Thanksgiving tomorrow then we have to leave after lunch around 2 or 230 because I have to be back to work at 7 since they are opening at 8.. :-( I decided to work that shift since it would get me some extra money since I haven't been getting many hours.. and that 2 years I've worked the beginning shift and kinda liked it compared to during the day on Black Friday...So hopefully It won't be to bad I have to work until 4am Friday morning unless I get set home early who knows.. should be interesting.. We are just gonna stay home this weekend with Elycia and Gil being sick just having a low key weekend and putting up our Christmas Tree and decorations.. SOOO Excited!! I LOVE this time of the year it's my favorite! Elycia, Gil and I will be coming back to Wisconsin leaving here on the 19th I believe and staying until the 27th I think we are gonna drive so it should be fun.. ;-)

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