Sorry this post is a little late, better late then never.. ;-) We've been pretty busy lately with having my family here helping me get things ready for Baby, we are finally ready for baby to come anytime just gotta finish packing up our bag and the baby's bag as well... Just playing the waiting game now.. We had a Dr. appointment on Wednesday April 3rd in the morning, things are still going well.. I'm starting to feel better which is way nice and Gil caught a little of it, but he's doing well too.. Baby's heartrate was 150-160, Still had high blood pressure again, but Dr. isn't worried, just from being nervous about baby coming soon and labor and all that fun stuff.. she tried checking me to see if I was anymore dialated and was gonna do a membrane stip (think that's what it was called.. lol), but she couldn't get in there very well, so she couldn't do that which means I wasn't much more then last time which was a 1 last time.. She wasn't 100% sure where baby was laying if baby was head down or not, she said she was 80% sure, so she wanted us to go in for an ultra sound to make sure baby was head down, cuz we wouldn't be able to deliver regular if baby wasn't.. So we came back home and chilled until the ultrasound and just relaxed, I started drinking the water like a half hour before, so I wouldn't run into the same problem as last time and it worked out so much better.. ;-) So we go in for the ultra sound and we find out that Baby is head down and facing the right direction so that was good.. while we were there we told the lady that we weren't able to find out the sex of baby at our 20 week ultrasound and see if we could find out.. She looked around and she's like are you sure you wanna know you've made it this far already... and we were like yeah maybe it will help us narrow down names since we had a list of like 6 boy names and 6 girl names, so she told us the Sex of the baby and Drum roll please.....

we found out that we are having a Baby GIRL!!!! ;-) She told us that she wasn't really sure so don't go out a paint the room pink, then after doing some more looking around we was like yup it's a girl here is the hamburger patty and was explaning it to us.. We are soooo excited we were like maybe we shouldn't have found out and just waited since we were so close, but we just had to know.. Lol.. so we were gonna keep it a secret and not tell anyone until Baby is born, but guess we are just too excited to keep it a secret.. Gil is so funny, he's all talking about when she starts dating and how he's nervous and needs to get his guns from Wisconsin and all this stuff.. He's sooo excited we had an instinct that baby was a Girl, but we just weren't really sure and thinking it was a boy, we would've been happy for a boy too, just a healthy baby is all that matters.. It's so crazy to know the Sex since we've waited this long.. I told Gil it's a good thing we didn't know before, cuz we'd have all pink i'm sure and he's like yeah good thing.. I still LOVE my LION KING stuff for the baby it still fits for a girl.. It just makes it more real now that we know we felt like that God gave us the second oppertunity to find out so we wanted to take it, like I did well with my patience so GOd was rewarding us.. Lol.. ;-) Probably not do to well, but guess it counts.. Ha.. We can't wait for our little princess to arrive, hopefully this week.. I've been having some pain in my tummy and it's been tightening up quite a bit yesterday and today, so hoping this is the start of baby arriving soon.. ;-) Yesterday I was even have hot flashes.. ha.. Things are going realy well though like I said before we are all ready and waiting now.. Please remember to keep us in your prayers as we wait for baby and the arrival of baby as well.. I'm still nervous and scared of it all happening, but can't wait at the same time.. ;-) Here is a Panorama shot of the Baby's room!! ;-)
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