Wow! 9 Months old only 3 months left until she is a year old! Hard to believe she's almost a year! Her 9 Month check up went well.. She is 19 pounds even and at the 64th percentile, she is 28.5 inches and at the 82 percentile, and her head is at17.5 inches and is at the 67th percentile. She is growing like a weed. Ha.
We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Over the past month we've done quite a bit.. Last month was obviously Christmas! We took Elycia on her 1st Road trip and drove to Wisconsin to spend her first Christmas with family. She did soooo good...She would sleep most of the time and would cry when she was hungry or needed to be changed. She was totally a ROCK STAR!! On the way back home from Wisconsin we had Auntie Hallie come with us and travel with us, she spent a few days with us once we got back and then she went home New Years Day! It was fun having her with us and she entertained Elycia when she would get fussy which wasn't to often, but I'm sure Elycia enjoyed the company in the back...I failed at Christmas this year because we didn't send out Christmas cards, cuz I was waiting for her to turn 8 months so I could take her Christmas photos and then we got them taken and just ran out of time to make them and get them sent out...So I was gonna make them once we got back from vacation and send out Christmas New Year cards, but we didn't do that either...oh bother... :-(
Elycia had her first New Years Eve, and we had our 3 year wedding anniversary, we spent it with Auntie Hallie and our neighbor friends, we even took her to see fireworks and she didn't get scared she just stared trying to figure out what they were.. We made Elycia a shirt that said I survived 2013 and I made her my first tutu..
She had so much fun during Christmas time! She helped un wrapped a few gifts, but mostly had fun with the wrapping paper playing with it, trying to put it on and over her head.. Ha.. We spent some time with Elycia and my family at her first water park hotel, she loved playing in the pool with her floaty tube we got her and the little baby swings they had there too..
Over the past month she's learned how to go from her crawling position to sitting on her bum, she loves to sit on her knees, She's getting more and more of a sassy personality, she likes to scream when she's mad or we take her away from somewhere she's not supposed to be or play with. She's adventured out in the apartment and crawls all over the place instead of staying the living room where all the toys are.. She will follow us around if we leave the room, She is balancing herself standing up without help for a few seconds up to a minute, she's becoming more and more brave and when she stands herself up by holding onto something she will just let go and when she realizes she's standing up by herself she falls onto her butt.. Ha.. She's learned that behind the door in our room there is the door stopper and she likes to sit there and play with it. It's getting harder and harder to get her to bed, but she has been just recently taking longer naps then 30 mins sometimes she sleeps an hour-2 hours it's crazy, but nice too.. She's got 4 teeth she had her 2 front teeth coming in Christmas time, so now she has 2 top and 2 bottom. When she is standing holding onto something she walks along things. She says Da-Da, everything is Da-Da when she talks. getting more vocal as the months go by.. sometimes we think she says other words when she's talking but just Da-Da.. She's learned how to wave sometimes we catch her just randomly waving it's funny.. She doesn't like to sit still long, she likes to be on the move... She LOVES her books mostly just playing with them (or eating them), then we try reading them to her and she doesn't wanna listen to us read them just wants to play with them...She is becoming more and more harder to change her diapers or clothes for that matter, she hates that the clothes go over her head. Ha. and when we change her diaper she hates sitting still sometimes we have to give her the paci in order for her to sit still or a toy. We have to watch her hands when we change her especially if it's poopy she likes to grab the diaper or put her hand down there in the way.. She's been happier when she wakes up in the mornings and during naps. sometimes she wakes up crabby, but hey don't we all.. ;-) She usually sits in her crib and talks for a few mins it's so funny listening to her through the monitor.
Now that she is 9 months old I asked the Dr. if it's ok to start giving her table food, cuz she likes to grab the spoon as we feed her and she said it was she mentioned a few things we can give her, but said whatever she can gum, she can have.. What kinds of foods did you feed your baby when they were able to get real people food.. Not really sure what to start her on first... She loves to jump when she's standing and in her jumper, she still loves Daddy playing his guitar and singing to her sometimes it sounds like she's singing along with him.. She starting to learn to dance with the music..
Gil is starting back at school, he's taking a piano lessons class and a biology class this semester so he will be on campus at the community college this semester and hopefully be at CSU this fall doing Full time classes.. I am in the mean time gonna look for a full time job so when he goes full time school he will be able to work part time while going to school and we will still make it here.. Ha.. We are trying to get him done with school in the next 2 years instead of 4 years.. Our lease is up at the end of March so we are in the midst of looking for a new place to live which will be cheaper or just staying here.. We did look into a 3 bedroom condo/townhouse, but he was gonna raise the rent higher then we thought and more then we are paying now. So our next option we are looking into is buying a mobile home so we can pay less "rent" and be able to save money too. We are also looking into to see how much we can qualify for to see if we can't get a house hoping our rent will be cheaper that way and save some money. Not really anything going on with me. Not getting many hours at Kohls so that's another reason to look for another job. Please keep us in your prayers that this will out work out for us that I will find a full time job, and we will figure out what our living situation will be, and Gil getting done with school as soon as possible so we can live our life and he can start with his career that he wants to do..
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