She's learned so much over the past month.. She started walking here and there before we left for vacation, but once we got to my Mom's she really took off, must've been all the extra room she had.. :-) She is fully walking now and crawling still too, but it's so fun to watch her walk. When she sees something on the floor she picks it up and gives it to us. She says Hi and waves to people, we'll be walking somewhere and she sees someone all of a sudden you hear her say Hi and see her wave so funny. she says Yeah, She started saying doggie, she now has 6 teeth, 4 on top and 2 on the bottom, She learned how to do this thing where she looks at you then turns her head away and then looks back quick at you again it's hilarious she was doing it on the airplane to the lady behind us. She points to everything, she's learned to climb up stairs and is a pro at it now and climbs up so fast. She got her 3rd cold of her first year, stuffy and first time with a cough...poor baby... She learned how to stand up by herself without holding onto anything. Trying to climb up everything she is such a little monkey..
We had a Birthday party for Elycia in Wisconsin with friends and family! We did a Minnie Mouse theme she loves Mickey and Minnie so it fit perfect. Auntie Tara made her birthday outfit and put her first pony tail in on top of her head. We spent a long weekend in Wisconsin then, Auntie Chelsea, Auntie Hallie, and Grandma and Grandpa flew back with us and spent the week with us and Chelsea went back home. Elycia enjoyed her time with them. It was a rough time flying back home with Elycia she was so tired and think her ears were hurting from the plane cuz she screamed and screamed with her eyes closed and of course you can't get up and walk around with her, so Gil rubbed her ear and put her to sleep poor baby...
Gil started his new job over the past month and has been pretty stressed out with it, but hopefully over the next month or so he will be able to figure out what he's doing more and be able to be more comfortable in his new job and position.. He's already gotton 2 emails from his employees saying that he's doing a good job, so that was good for him. He's finishing up his semester of school then taking the summer off so he can focus on his job and get it all figured out so in the fall he knows what he's doing and can do school at the same time..
Starting off the first month of her first year and things are a little crazy. When she went to the Dr. she said she had a little bit of fluid in her ear and that it wasn't infected and sometimes it doesn't get infected. So the Doctor told us to watch her and if she gets a fever to bring her in cuz that would be a sign of an ear infection. So I went to work Friday morning and came back home and my Mom told me that she had been crabby and warm, so we went to my Aunts and did a little Easter Egg hunt and she would walk up to them and pick one up then sit and open it and go to a next one. She was still pretty crabby and didn't want to eat much. So we took her temp cuz she was warm and had a fever of 101. So I went to get her some meds, and decided while I was out that we needed to take her in cuz of what her Dr. said. So we took her to urgent care and found out she does have an ear infection so we picked up her meds, and have been fighting with her to make sure she gets it.. Hoping she's getting enough that it is helping her, she's not a big fan of her meds. I need to make a follow up appointment in a few days to make sure she's doing better. That was pretty rough for me, especially since Gil told me that his brother Logan is allergic to penicillin and looked like a tomato and when we picked it up from the pharmacy some guy in line was like is that amoxicillin and I said yup and he told me that his son had it when he was about her age and he broke out in hives and looked like an alien and I was like great...thanks guys for freaking out a worried mother.. Ha. But she seems to be doing fine with it so that's a relief. No tomato aliens over here! :-)
Now onto the good news! So many of you probably know from reading my blogs that Gil and I were looking into purchasing a 2 bedroom town home in Wellington which is about 10-15 mins away from where we are now and about 30 mins from his work, anyway we FINALLY found out our loan was approved about a week before our closing date.. our closing date is actually tomorrow Wednesday April 23rd. So we go sign our paperwork and then it is all ours! We are so excited!! This is definitely not our forever home, but at least until he's done with school and then we shall see where he gets a job at and go from there. So my Mom and Frank helped pack up a few boxes while they were here which was nice, so now I have to started getting everything packed up so we can move this weekend. should be fun.. Ha. We are excited for this next chapter in our life... We will be saving money and have our place we can make our own. :-)Now to get things packed up and figure out how we are gonna get everything packed up and moved over to the new place. so stressful.. Who wants to come help us?! Ha

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