18 months here we are!! We now have a year and a half year old! How did that happen?!? And so quickly too. We are and have been so blessed by her over this past year in a half and we just can't imagine life without her.
Over the past month we took a short trip to Wisconsin for my stepdads 50th birthday party it was fun seeing family and friends we hadn't seen in years too and for them to meet Gil and Elycia was nice too. Sometimes being away from family and just living our life is...I don't wanna say "fun"...but it's kinda nice sometimes, other times it stinks being far away and not having anyone to hang out with and do things with. We flew back with Chelsea and Luke and on the way back we spent sometime at the Mall if America before we left. Chelsea and Luke left the next day apparently she booked her flight wrong and they wouldn't let them fly stand by. Elycia wasn't a happy camper on the way back, probably from being tired and staying in one spot its hard for an on the go go go go baby. Elycia got her first real "owie" at the park my poor baby, she is learning new words everyday she says high chair, chair, crackers, drink, and even pumpkin!! She loves to spin around and around in circles and dance she loves her silly songs cd we have, she even tries singing and dancing to it. We have a cd of Bible songs and she loves that too we play it in the car and she claps and tries singing to that one too. She is getting more and more of a sassy personality every day. Still climbing up everything. Loves to be outside. She got sick maybe from some food she ate but we're not sure, but we had a night where she threw up and a day she threw up a couple times. We started going to a Moms group in Wellington here and I'm trying the MoPs group in Fort Collins again.
Gil is still working his overnight job and it's getting to him. I hate it too, I would rather him be gone during the day then at night. I like him to be home and we can have some us time while Elycia is sleeping we don't get that now that he's working nights and sleeping until the afternoon. He is still looking for a day shift job that would work with his school schedule.
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