Gil and I are celebrating our First Christmas together and we made our First Christmas Card we sent them out last week Friday. I'm sure there is are few people that we missed, so we wanted to post it on our blog so everyone can see it. We are sorry if you didn't get one, but we hope that you will check it out on our blog. I couldn't figure out how to upload it onto the blog, so I just had to take a picture of it and upload it that way, so hope you can see it and read it ok.. We hope that you all have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
It's kinda hard to read, but it says: Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year filled with joy and Happiness.
Also I posted a Picture of our Christmas letter that Gil wrote cuz it wouldn't let me upload it. incase you can't read it, it says:
~Merry Christmas~
WOW!!! What a year huh? Where do I even begin? Well, I could start with our wedding or maybe the fact I’ve worked in 3 different states this year. Or maybe the six 1,600 mile plus road trips it took to make Fort Collins Colorado our new home. All these things are great and have helped define this year so far. But there is something else I’d rather start this letter with and that is thankfulness. Thankfulness for all the family and friends who helped make everything else possible. Thankfulness for the Love and support that has been lavished upon us this year. I cannot even begin to imagine what this year would have looked like without all our family and friends having our backs. I didn’t want this letter to be about personal accomplishments or even how far Melanie and I have come this last year. I want it to be about everyone out there who has given of themselves out of love.
There isn’t much left in our society that speaks love during Christmas, so let us do it. Let us be the hand that holds. Let us be the voice that calms. Let us be the shoulder to cry on. Let us love.
From our hearts to yours with much Love,
Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!!
Gilman & Melanie Anthony
Love Gil and Melanie
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