The last few weeks has been pretty busy for us. First it was Christmas, we spent Christmas Eve at my Aunt and Uncles house, then Christmas morning we spent by ourselves opening up our presents to each other and just enjoying our First Christmas together, later that day we went back to my Aunt and Unlces house and spent Christmas with them. We had a great time and am glad to have family here away from “home”. A few days after Christmas we flew back to Wisconsin and spent some time with family, didn’t see much friends, but it was a busy time and hard to see everyone when time goes fast. We had Christmas with Gil’s Family, spent some time with them, some time with my family. Not only did we have our first Christmas together, but we also celebrated our first wedding Anniversary together on New Years Eve. I got a new Camera Lens for my Canon Camera that has been broken for a year (long story short) and am so excited about it just need to learn how to use it and my camera all over again. I plan on getting Gil and watch for his Anniversary gift we just don’t have the money for it right now, so as soon as we can he will get it. The morning started off a little slow with me trying to get ready then picking up Gil from his Brother’s house. We went to Olive Garden for a late lunch early dinner and just enjoyed each other’s company. After that we decided there wasn’t any movies playing unless we wanted to wait, but we decided to go back to my Mom’s and just chill, we took a short nap and then met up with my Mom, Frank, and Hallie at a friends house. Then we came back home and to cut our anniversary cake that our cake lady made a fresh one for us, and we watched the ball drop on tv, someday I might wanna go there just to say that I went there it might be fun besides all the crowds that would be there.. That was our day in a nutshell, it was all in all a good day and Anniversary. I am so blessed to have Gil in my life, and to be sharing this journey with him it's just amazing. Couldn't ask for a better Husband God knew excatlly what I needed and we are growing not only together, but with God as well.
We are trying a few new things this year, we wanna get back into the Dave Ramsey class we took last year to help us budget our money and help us save a little. And we are doing the Biggest Loser on the Kinect every day the past few days and doing a workout every morning, hope to get us in shape and me to lose some weight this next year. We need to start eating a little healthier and whatnot too. We are excited to see what God has in store for us this year, since God has blessed us so much last year. . IT’s gonna be a busy year, with planning my sister’s bridal shower, and her wedding in June, We are hoping for Gil to start some schooling this year. Then who knows what else is in store for us, we will have to move to a different apartment in July, cuz our lease is up the end of july we need a bigger place I know it’s just the 2 of us, but we have a small one bedroom apartment and it’s hard to keep things cleaned and put away cuz we have so much stuff and more in the garage we can’t put in our apartment.
Thanks for taking the time to read our blog. Hope you are enjoying it as much as I am getting into writing about our lives together. I’m not a good writer so hopefully it all makes sense.. ;-) Here is a few pictures of our Christmas together..
Love the pictures, were they taken with your new camera lense?
ReplyDeleteThanks.. Nope we didn't get it in time for Christmas, The pictures I uploaded on facebook of Tara and the kids were taken from my new Lens.. Some might look a little burry cuz I didn't have it on the right setting it was on Manual zoon instead of Auto and I didn't realize it when I was taking them and was freaking out thought it was broken.. Ha.