Monday, March 4, 2013

34.5 weeks..

Well Hello March where did you come from??? I can't belive it's March already time sure is flying by Baby will be here in NO time!! It's so crazy to think about that it seems like just yesterday we found out we were pregnant.. We Got our Crib, dresser and changing table the other day now we just need to put it all together well when I say we I mean Gil I watch and take pictures.. Lol.. Last week Monday we got our Maternity pictures taken we had lots of fun even Gil did and he didn't wanna get them taken.. ;-) Can't wait to see how they turned out.. We had our Dr. Appointment this morning, things still seem to be going well.. Baby's heartrate was between 140-150 like it has been this whole time.. ;-) We go again next week Wednesday morning and she will be doing some test on me (can't remember what it's called).. Sounds like she is gonna swab my cervix and check to see if I need to have antibiotics during labor or something like that.. I don't know I just shake my head and nood, cuz I don't know what to expect.. Lol.. ;-) We kinda talked about our "birth plan" with the Dr. today.. She asked me if we talked about it and if I want to do natural or have an Epidural.. I told her that I would like to try as much as I can and then I might need the Epidural, but it kinda scares me and she said it was all safe and that she usually tries to have her patients go as far as they can before the Epidural, so she's like glad we are on the same page.. ;-) Other then those leg pains I've been having while sleeping, i've been feeling pretty good.. Baby is still moving like crazy sometimes... I enjoy feeling baby move so I know baby is ok and it's just such a cool feeling.. I tell Gil I wished there was a way we could switch places for like a day so he could feel what I feel from the inside, it's just a different feeling.. Baby has been finding my ribs and hurts when baby moves around the ribs.. Getting more and more tired as the days go on and we were just waiting on our stuff to come in so we can get them put together so hopefully this weekend we can get them together and go buy the mattress for Baby's crib, some diapers, and probably sheets and I don't know what else we are gonna buy.. Lol.. I have a dentist appointment on the 20th Dr. said it would be ok to go since it's just a cleaning, but to call to make sure they know i'm pregnant and how far a long i'll be.. So I called and she's like are you going just for a cleaning or x rays too I said just cleaning and I told her I got those done last time I was there and didn't realize that I was pregnant, and she was like oh ok yeah you should be fine.. Something to look forward to I guess, not really... Lol.. I used to like going to the dentist, but not anymore.. Not sure what else is or has been going on for us that's about it I guess.. Still haven't planned a day for maternity leave, gonna try to make it as long as I can and go from there don't wanna take off to early so I can spend as much time with Baby... We will see as it gets closer and closer.. Lol.. I figured as long as i'm feeling good I might as well keep working, i've only really been scheduled like 2 days a week, so it's not to bad.. I was taking guesses on facebook the other day for Sex, Weight, length, when they think baby will be born, and I guess you can add names down too.. ;-) If you haven't yet and want to go for it and let me know your guesses and we'll see who was right.. ;-) Alright now it's time for me to go make some lunch it's been a busy day already and it's only 12:45.. ;-) Have a great week..

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