Wednesday, March 13, 2013
36 weeks
So some of you may have seen my facebook status this morning about my dream last night.. So we went with our Birthing class to tour the Birthing Center in the Hospital last night and when I went to bed I had dreamed about it and acutally going into labor and just all that fun stuff.. I couldn't sleep much woke up a few times to go to the bathroom and tossed and turned and still was dreaming about it all night no matter if I woke up I came back to it.. I don't even think I got to the part when baby came out yet.. It was so real it felt.. I must've been making nosie, cuz Gil checked up on me a few times to see if I was ok.. So this morning we had our Dr. Apointment and the nurse came in and Gil had said something about it and so I had to tell her about it while she was taking my blood pressure and then she told me my Blood pressure was really high it was at like 150 something, so she said we might have re test after the apointment. so the DR. comes in and was like I hear you're a little stressed and your blood pressure is high is that true? I said yeah and then I started telling her about my dream and how I told her nurse about it when she was taking my blood pressure so that's probably why it was high. she said ok we'll we will have you rest a bit after and come back in a take it again after about 10 mins if it's still high we will have to do some blood work and see what's going on.. so she tested me for the group B strep or whatever it's called to see if I need to take antibiotics for delievery or not.. Then she asked me if I wanted her to check my cervix and I said sure if she wants. so she said that I'm 1cm open which is good that it's not completely closed she said and baby is head down.. ;-) She took the heart rate and baby was at 135 and I said oh that's low from what it usually is and she's like oh now it's 145 and I was like that's normal... so she said baby is doing just fine.. She asked me if there was anything I was scared about for labor that she could help me with or what was freaking me out and I said no just everything, the unknown is scary.. She was very understanding and didn't think I was crazy about my dream, cuz I told her she might think I am.. It really took a toll on me I guess.. It's just so close and it's freaking me out more and more everyday I think.. So I rested after and they took my blood pressure again and it was at 130 something so she went to tell her Dr. and she said that was better.. so Yay no blood work.. lol.. ;-) I told Gil while we were waiting that no we won't do an ultra sound since she knows baby is head down, and he's like yeah we kinda had that feeling that baby was head down already so if she couldn't figure it out and we could it would be weird.. So now we really won't know the sex of baby until baby decides to come into this world.. oh well it will be soon we are at 4 weeks away until due date so crazy to think it's gone by this quick.. I just wanna skip labor and just have the baby here.. Lol.. I'm hoping that it all goes just as smooth as this pregnancy has been going with no problems at all.. Please keep us in your prayers as we go though these next few weeks of getting baby's room all finished and getting things ready for baby and for when baby decides to show up and just for me to relax and know everything is ok.. Gil is really really good at that reminding me that everything is ok not just with baby, but with life and i'm just like how are you so sure, and he's like God will get us through it.. I know he will it's just sometimes easier said that done I guess.. I am starting my Maternity leave April 1st figured that would be a good time to give me some time to rest up before baby comes and my Mom, Hallie and maybe Frank will be here too that week.. I will be off for 12 weeks and not paid, not that I made a lot, but it helped us out a little, so pray for our financial situation too, was a little freaked out about that too, but like I said Gil is a good help in reminding me God is gonna take care of us. I am so thankful for him and that God put him into my life and give us the oppertunity to have a baby it so crazy to think about it, but we are both excited and he might not show it as much as I do, but nervous too.. Lol.. Our next Dr. apointment is next wednesday morning and I also have a dentist appointment too it will be a busy morning.. Our Maternity pictures should hopefully be coming soon. Guess the day after she took them she fell on black ice so she had set back her editing, so she told me that she'd get to them this week or next week, so hopefully soon we will have some to show... alright well I need to go find something to eat for lunch now, I think I wrote enough for now.. If I think of something else i'll add it one later.. ;-) Until next time have a great rest of your week and weekend.. ;-)
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Just so you know (speaking from having high blood pressure) it's good to stay still and not talk when they take it. And, I know 1cm is good news but don't get your hopes up because that is normal and lots of people don't go into labor any earlier. I had dreams my first time too, they are scary, but just pray for a good nights rest before you go to bed! Love ya, see you soon.