Where to start? It's been awhile since I've last blogged, but so much has changed since the last time I blogged.. So lets begin obviously you all know that our little baby girl arrived April 15th. />

Labor went well, better then I had expected it to be which was nice. To make a LONG story short I went as long as I could without any drugs, but since I knew it was going to be a long night and I wasn't able to relax is when we decided it was time to get the Epidural and got a small dose of Pitocin ( I believe that's what it was Ha) once the Epidural was in I was able to relax and sleep a little bit which was nice.. After almost 3 long hours of pushing she arrived at 8:55am right before she came out they told me that they were getting ready in case we had to do a C-section because her heart rate was dropping, so they gave me some oxygen and before I knew it she was out and on my chest.

I couldn't believe she was there and was so excited for her to be there..
Now 2 months later (can't believe it's been that long already) she's growing so quickly and everyday she changes.. She has brought so much Joy into our lives we can't imagine life without her.. She's smiling more, can recognize our voices, and follow us with her eyes if she sees us leave, she's starting to talk more, starting to grab things with her hand a little, lets see what else is she doing? She has slept all night a couple of times already. She's 2 months old and already been to 3 states at 1 month.. Obviously Colorado, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. She's already a world traveler and she did so good too.. ;-) She got to meet her cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents..

We've been able to celebrate a few holidays over her past 2 months, first was Grandma's Birthday,

Next was Mother's Day

Then My Birthday

Then was Father's Day..

On Monday morning we had her 2 month check up. She is doing great. She weighed 10 pounds 6 ounces and is in the 28th percent tile for weight, she is 23 inches long and is in the 71 percent for her height. She got 3 shots and a oral thing for her to drink. She took it like a champ. Yes she screamed and cried wouldn't expect her not to, but after a few minutes of Mommy and Daddy snuggling her before we left she was doing better.. She was able to move her legs around quite a bit so that was good..

We've been having visitors every once in a while which has been nice keeping us company.. ;-) our recent visitors was my Dad and Karen

they spent a few days with us meeting their granddaughter. There was one day that every time my Dad held her she would poop it was hilarious.. She seriously pooped more then she ever had that day.. Ha.. Once they left we had Auntie Chelsea uncle Luke and her dog cousins were here for a visit.. />

More Visitors are on their way.. Auntie Hallie will be spending a little over a week with us starting on Friday evening... Not really sure what else to say right now, but I will try to update the blog as much as I can..
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