Monday, July 15, 2013
3 months
Wow! I can't believe that our Baby Girl is 3 months old.. Time sure does fly.. She is getting so and changing everyday.. She's brought so much joy, laughter and much more into our lives. Even when you're having a bad day and you look at her all you can do is smile.. She's learned so much during these past 3 months let alone the past month.. She's is more vocal and loves to scream when she's not getting attention or if she's really mad she is definitely getting more and more of a personality everyday.. ;-) Loves to smile. Looks around her.. she's sleeping through the night, (been a few times when she doesn't, but usually she does which is nice) I still find myself waking up in the middle of the night or early morning to check up on her to make sure she's ok.. ;-) She is grabbing at things like a blanket, her shirts, our hands basically almost anything you put in front of her she grabs it, she even tries to hold her own bottle sometimes.. She's finally found her giggle a little not to much giggling yet, but I'm sure it will be soon.. Caught her giggling in her sleep yesterday.. She sometimes will cry in her sleep a little then be fine.. She hates tummy time, She rolled over from her tummy to her back yesterday.. Lets see what else is she doing this last month.... She loves to watch TV.. Lol. We catch her watching it with us every once in a while.. Thinking I need to get her some educational movies that she can watch.. Lol.. She loves her hands more and more everyday.. Loves to suck on her hands even after she's just ate she will too, she loves her hands more then the paci which is fine, but she sometimes will put her hand or fingers in her mouth and choke. she loves to put her hands in front of her face and just play with them.. She loves to try to scoot when she's on the floor or in bed, she'll lift her butt up and jump I guess lol.. She even tries to stand up when you are holding her and she tries to push her legs on you when she get's really mad and she will try scooting off you. lol.. She has this mirror on her toy mat that she's just figuring out and she loves to look at herself and move the mirror around with her hand, yesterday I caught her making faces at herself in the mirror. lol.. She holds her head up pretty well still a little wobbly at times, but she's doing well.. Gil stepped on the scale with her yesterday and figured from what he weighed that she weighs about 11 pounds 2 ounces I believe..
We had Auntie Hallie come visit us for two weeks and she was such a BIG help.. She loved to feed her, change her and just do everything with her. It was nice.. She would make a noise and Hallie would be like She's crying, i'm like no she's fine and she's like you're a bad mom letting her cry.. Lol.. She Loves her niece and Elycia Loves her Auntie Hallie.. Some things we did was go to the zoo on the fouth, it was a little warm, but Elycia was a trooper in her seat and stroller. We went bowling, with my Aunt and Unlce and little cousin, and went swimming put Elycia's feet in the water at the pool she didn't seem to mind it to much and we just hung out.. We were sad to see her leave it was a nice visit.. After Hallie left we went to Auntie Chelsea and Uncle Luke's for the weekend and hung out there.. Where Chelsea painted one of her feet (toe nails) cuz I told her I was going to, but didn't wanna do it by myself cuz I knew it would be work and sure enough she learned it was work to do it by yourself.. lol.. We put her in a swing at Chelsea's and she liked it I was a little nervous, but she did good, we even took her to the lake and put her feet it the water.. It was a fun time.. Now we have Auntie Chelsea visiting again.. She put Elycia on her tummy yesterday and Elycia Hates Tummy time, so she fussed a little and she moves her legs almost looks like she trying to get her legs over her head.. Lol.. after fussing for a little while she finally flipped herself over and rolled onto her back she then looks at us like Oh My gosh what did I just do? HOw did that happen?? It was hilarious.. I then got my phone and video tapped her trying to do it again and she was more fussier then before she got so mad she couldn't figure out how to move her arm, so we helped her with her arm and then she finally did it again with the same look on her face..
We are starting to make the transition into formula now, finishing up the frozen milk we had, then we will start giving her formula every other feeding with the breastmilk we have in the fridge.. I've cut down my pumping not doing it as much or as long so I can dry up my milk before we leave for vacation.. I'm am proud of myself for making it this long, there were times I wanted to give up sooner, but knew I couldn't, so for me to make it that long with how hard it is to do especially when it's just me and her home by ourselves pretty impressed.. We are leaving for Wisconsin on the 2nd of August and will be there until August 12th. We are excited for a vacation and seeing everyone again..
She's getting so big and learning so much already.. Looking forward to see what she will learn this next month.. ;-) 

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